Traveling Spirits
Gertrud Hüwelmeier
Not Available
Decolonising Indigenous Rights
Adolfo de Oliveira
Environmental Anthropology
Helen University of Amsterdam and 1 more
The Question of the Gift
Mark Osteen
Anthropologists, Indigenous Scholars and the Research Endeavour
Joy Oxford Brookes University and 1 more
The Social Life of Climate Change Models
Kirsten Hastrup
Confronting Capital
Pauline Gardiner Barber
Adolescent Identity
Bonnie L Hewlett
Senses and Citizenships
Susanna Trnka
Helen Kopnina and 1 more
Islam, Development, and Urban Women’s Reproductive Practices
Cortney Hughes Rinker
Times of Security
Martin University College London and 4 more
Climate Change and Tradition in a Small Island State
Peter RudiakGould
Hope and Uncertainty in Contemporary African Migration
Nauja Kleist
Islam, Standards, and Technoscience
Johan Roskilde University and 1 more
Everyday Faith in Sufi Senegal
Laura Cochrane
Critical Times in Greece
Dimitris Dalakoglou
Negotiating Territoriality
Allan Charles Dawson
Anthropology in the Making
Laurent Vidal
An Anthropology of Robots and AI
Kathleen De Montfort University and 1 more
Anthropologies of Cancer in Transnational Worlds
Holly F Mathews
Ethnographies in Pan Pacific Research
Robert E Rinehart
Student Mobility and Narrative in Europe
Elizabeth MurphyLejeune
The Anthropology of Postindustrialism
Ismael Vaccaro
An Anthropological Economy of Debt
Bernard Hours
Diagnostic Controversy
Carolyn SmithMorris
Environmentalism, Ethical Trade, and Commodification
Adam University of Wyoming and 2 more
HIV/AIDS and the Social Consequences of Untamed Biomedicine
Graham Fordham
Magical Consciousness
Susan Greenwood and 2 more
Linguistic and Material Intimacies of Cell Phones
Joshua A Bell and 1 more
Work and Livelihoods
Susana Narotzky
Hybrid Communities
Charles Stépanoff
Security Blurs
Tessa Diphoorn
Laura L Cochrane
Nauja Kleist and 1 more
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Mixed Race Identities in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
Farida Fozdar
Toward an Anthropology of Ambient Sound
Christine Guillebaud
Transpacific Americas
Eveline Dürr
Meeting Ethnography
Jen Sandler
Anthropology and Alterity
Bernhard Leistle
Indian Classical Dance and the Making of Postcolonial National Identities
Sitara Thobani
After the Crisis
James G Carrier
Freedom in Practice
Moises Lino e Silva
On Knowing Humanity
Eloise Meneses and 1 more
Nicolette Makovicky
Bureaucracy, Integration and Suspicion in the Welfare State
Mark Stockholm University Stockholm University Graham
Charles Stépanoff and 1 more
Counterfeit Itineraries in the Global South
Rosana PinheiroMachado
Dimitris Dalakoglou and 1 more
An Ethnography of Global Environmentalism
Caroline Gatt
Culture as a System
David B Kronenfeld
Nigel University of St Andrews and 1 more
Orthodox Christian Material Culture
Timothy Carroll
Ethnographic Inquiry and Lived Experience
Clara Wingchung Ho
Tessa G Diphoorn and 1 more
Cultural Models of Nature
Giovanni Bennardo
Guatemalan Vigilantism and the Global (Re)Production of Collective Violence
Gavin Weston
Human Extinction and the Pandemic Imaginary
Christos Lynteris
The Biometric Border World
Karen Fog Univeristy of Copenhagen and 4 more
Amerindian Socio-Cosmologies between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica
Ernst Halbmayer
Mambila Divination
David Zeitlyn
Fadwa El UCLA and 1 more
Youth Culture and Identity in Northern Thailand
Anjalee Cohen
Mike Anusas and 1 more
The Cultural Economy of Protest in Post-Socialist European Union
Juraj Buzalka
Time and Its Object
Paolo Durham University and 1 more
One World Anthropology and Beyond
Martin University of Western Australia and 1 more
Bioinformation Worlds and Futures
E J GonzalezPolledo and 1 more
Cosmopolitan Moment, Cosmopolitan Method
Nigel Rapport
Rethinking Relation-Substance Dualism
Aurélie Névot
Street Youth in Canada
Mark Dolson
Metagenomic Futures
Roberta Raffaetà
Human Trafficking, Structural Violence and Resilience
Amie L Lennox
UFOs, the Absurd, and the Limit of Anthropological Knowledge
Diana Espirito Santo
Africa and Urban Anthropology
Deborah Pellow and 1 more
David Lipset and 1 more
The Trouble With Art
Roger SansiRoca and 1 more
Martin Porr and 1 more
Secular Narrations and Transdisciplinary Knowledge
Abdelmajid Hannoum
Fair Trade Enclaves
Layla Zaglul Ruiz
Beyond Perception
Caroline Gatt and 1 more
Diasporic Consciousness in the Material Culture of Brazilian Candomblé
Zainabu Jallo
Anthropology and Nature
Animism and the Question of Life
Istvan Praet
Eloise Hiebert Meneses and 1 more